We help prepare business projects for attracting investors

Investment Projects

We specialize in preparing investment projects for new and expanding businesses, and we help in their implementation.

We work mostly with Real Estate Based (REB) Businesses, such as resorts, small hotels, hobby farms, wineries and recreational properties.

Our task is to develop projects that would significantly increase the profitability of such businesses, making them more attractive to potential investors. We also help find such investors and buyers by applying the innovative Shared Ownership Investment (SOI) approach.

Large projects require funding. If you are developing a new resort or a lodge, or want to expand an existing business, you need investors. Investors can only be attracted if they are promised a high profitability and reliability of their investments.

We specialize in developing particularly the kind of projects that can be very attractive to investors. The formula of success of our projects is that we focus primarily on developing a wide range of services and unique entertainment for the guests. We also focus on the ways of attracting more guests to the retreats and resorts that we present to our clients-investors.

Based on out long-time history of working with resorts and retreats, we have developed a comprehensive anti-aging system XITONIA, which includes many different activities for the guests. This system is an important element of the investment projects that we develop for our clients.

Our experience suggests that any property that have the required facilities, can be used for organizing entertainment for guests and for providing them with accommodation. This is especially true for retreats.

Typically, our work on investment projects includes the following steps. First, we discuss with the client his plans and his possibilities. Then we prepare our draft proposal. If it satisfies the client, we proceed with the development of an investment project. If the project includes the need in a real estate property, we help select and purchase such a property. Further, we help the client with implementation of the project, if required.

All preliminary consultations are free. So let's talk!